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Beyond web design

Creating a new Web or mobile platform has several aspects to which attention and dedication must be paid, from the operation behind that platform so that everything flows smoothly, attention to the corresponding laws, good administration in charge, and lately a good design.

So many concepts that now must be taken into account when entering these new world of web platforms, UX, UI, design thinking, usability, flat design, retro fonts, parallax scroll animations, Gaussian blur, and more.

While many custom web design companies can create fantastic designs with videos, blurs and the whole new range of design techniques to make your website look good, there are other aspects that must be taken care of, since not everything has to be pretty to look at In the end, that web page must fulfill the mission for which it was made, call it to introduce a new product, meet a new company, convert users into customers.

The design began to have a boom beyond what was imaginable a few years ago, and especially with the capabilities of browsers to process animations and effects natively. But that also leads to overusing them and totally missing the point for what they were made for.

To create a concrete message for a web design is a strenuous task, it took almost a decade for the same turning page to finally find its message, but staying on target is always key to reaching it, sooner or later.

Even today the design is overrated, believing that a design in Illustrator reflects everything that the browser render can do. There are animations, videos, transitions and, above all, use everything you have available to get your message across in no time. How much time will you spend reviewing your website? 10-15 seconds for someone new, imagine if just charging takes more than 10!

A good design considers all these points, animations, effects, clarity of the message, but above all, loading speed.

Put your current design to the test, google gives you tools to do such as PageSpeed insights, improve the performance of your portal using Cache Web Service response, an architecture that will make your site respond as one of the best on the planet.

Check the devices by which your audience visits your page, depending on what you communicate they will be able to use their mobile devices more or perhaps enter more using their desktop computer. It is good to analyze your target market in your first version of your page, but in a short time you will have accurate information about your visitors. Make the necessary adjustments so that the vast majority can enjoy your page and, above all, your visitors and you meet their objectives, be it information, conversion, advertising, etc.

You can find this information on Google Analytics page, in the Audience/Mobile Devices view:

Yes, there are many trends, but in the end, good design is a personal and aesthetic point, which has a lot of the level of inspiration you can give your designer to apply it to the page. Surely with a clear vision you will have a good design. Support this design with speed and animations according to the device that visits your site, which although they are technical points, directly affect the good design achieved.

Human & Co-founder of Inflexion Software

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