988 companies created in 10 years
Someone asked David Lynch, what he thinks about the opinions of people who qualify his work as something that “does not make sense”, (here the short: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Drq0whygb2M)
He answers that he loves cinema for the ability to tell a story with images, sounds and words in time and that it is up to the viewer and his intuition to interpret that story. In that sense, he refers to the fact that each time the film is shown, it is a new film, in the eyes of the viewer, with a new interpretation, thus creating a new version of the film every time to infinity.

This month, Inflexion turns 10 years old. It’s 3,650 days (approx, because I was lazy to calculate leaps), or a decade, to sound more impressive. In that decade, we have screened its story, approximately 988 times. 988 people have interacted with the company, be they customers, collaborators, suppliers, partners or just spectators. There are then 988 versions of the company, each with a very particular interpretation to each one, that interpretation ranges from the personality of the company, its goals, its problems, its achievements and its failures.
It is like a person, who is a father to some, a son to others, a brother or a husband. Precisely, a company is that, a person, only that it is “moral” and not physical. Why moral? I do not know why the high officials of the litigation have named the figure of a company in society a “moral person”, but out of sheer grammar and romantic imagination, I like to imagine that they put “moral” on it because of the connotations of “good and evil” that a company faces.
For Her, it is very clear what is bad and what is good, because it is an organization whose purposes are stipulated in a notarial act, and unlike natural persons, it was born with a purpose. She must do what her object designates, make profit, and that is good. It is then everything that deviates her from the objective of it, bad. But is this the case for its 988 viewers? They, being natural persons, are not so clear about it. Much less its founders, who believe that they are, but as soon as they fix their eyes on the objective, it has already advanced, thus leaving only a succession of objectives that were useful only a few minutes ago.

And this is where creating a company gets interesting, in reconciling the wishes and moral definitions of individuals with those of the legal entity, in synchronizing the will of an entire group to achieve the same goal, subscribing to a single destination and a single path, that of the company’s object.
And although there are 988 versions of the company, 988 parallel universes with 988 different versions of it, She knows who she is and what she must achieve. She doesn’t know how, but she does know what.

And for us natural persons, we can only try to converge with its objective, all this while, hopefully, we have fun. And surely we learn something. And surely we have so many difficult decisions that it seems that we are going to be consumed by them. But no, one bares them.
And when we run out of will to learn, all that remains is to have fun, to turn 988 into one.